Christmas Jubilee by Ana Maria Blevins

Christmas Jubilee by Ana Maria Blevins
Time to Dance!!!

Sunday, November 13, 2011

Como Planear Alabanza de Navidad para Ninos! How to Plan A Children's Worship for Christmas

Christmas Nativity with Worship Music
Prayer - Sr., glorifica Tu nombre.  Llama a los hombres a Ti.  Lord, we glorify your name, and lift You up, that You will draw all men to Yourself.  Restaura el arte para Tu Gloria, y nuestra edificacion.  Captua los corazones de los ninos para que sean libres, llenos de Tu Espiritu, y que usen sus dones y energia en Tu libertad, y para Tu Reyno bello. Y Feliz Cumpleanos!!!
Original Screen-Painting-"Christmas Jubilee!"
Christmas Jubilee painting on screens
Order of Program:
Testimony of Aidita, faith of ancianos en el retrato en la pantilla
Children in manger formation. Joseph-Christian
                                             Baby doll
Worship Service
Adorar Al Nino - children, 5 and up singing in rows, and doing pantomime
                            Video available of pantomime
                            Children, pre-school singing and play jingle bells at end
Venid Fieles - Trio sings, and pre-schoolers play jingle bells on Chorus
Mary's Boy Child - elementary school children staggered with pre-schoolers.
                              pre-schoolers play jingle bells
                            On "Hmmm verse", when giving gifts, all get in circle.  give gifts, worship, pre-schooler brings baby brother...humor...
Last verse, pre-schoolers do bicycle step...then Conga Line, leaving pre-schoolers on stage with candy and adults to watch them.  all else go...                     

Adorar Al Nino                      Pantomime

En la noche las pastores                                     Hold staff
A sus ovejitas velan                                            pet ovejitas
Angeles del cielo alaban                                      angel's wings  praise sign lang. hands
Angeles del cielo alaban                                      repeat
Pastroicitos, id, patoricitos ya                              both arms sweep to manger scene

Chorus:  Pre-schoolers play jingle bells on chorus.
Adorar al Nino                                                  wave arms together in worship L to R.
Adorar al Nino                                                  repeat
Que en Belen esta                                              slowly raise arms, dn. on last beat and stomp feet.
Que en Belen esta                                              repeat

In the evening there were shepherds                   Hold staff
Resting while their flocks were grazing                rest head on hands, with eyes open
Angels from the heavens told them                      wave angel arms
Heaven's King is near you sleeping                     crown on head
Shepherds go to Him                                          wave both arms to manger
Go and praise your King                                 repeat                                                                                     

Pre-schoolers play jingle bells on chorus.
Go and worship Jesus                                         wave arms together rt.
Go and worship Jesus                                         repeat
Born in Bethlehem                                              slowly raise arms, lower on last beat, stomp.
Born in Bethlehem                                        repeat                                                                                     

Pre-schoolers play jingle bells on chorus.
Go and worship Jesus                                        repeat
Go and worship Jesus
Born in Bethlehem
Born in Bethlehem

Con alegre reverncia                                           raise arms, lower head, bowing
En la bella Noche buean                                     snap fingers
Los cristiano hoy alaban                                      wave arms at group
Los cristianos todos cantan                                  sign for cantar, rolling hands under chin
Pueblos, oh venid, pueblos, oh llegad                   arms calling nations to come, motioning in

Pre-schoolers play jingle bells on chorus.
Adorar al Nino                                                    repeat
Adorar al Nino
Que en Belen esta
Que en Belen esta

Trad. Spanish Melody
Spanish Lyrics Public Domain
English Lyrics by Phill McHugh
1987 Birdwing Music (admin. By The
Sparrow Corp.) (ASCAP)/ River Oaks Music Co.
(BMI) River Oaks admin. By Tree International.
All rights reserved. International
Copyright secured. Used by permission.
Ensalle de Alabanza

Venid Fieles Todos
Venid fieles todos a Belén marchemos
de gozo triunfantes y llenos de amor.
Y al Rey de los Cielos humilde veremos.
Venid y adoremos.
Venid y adoremos
Venid y adoremos a Cristo el Señor.

En pobre pesebre yace reclinado
al hombre ofreciendo eternal salvación.
El Santo Mesias el Verbo humanado.
Venid y adoremos.
Venid y adoremos
Venid y adoremos a Cristo el Señor.

Cantad jubilosas célicas criaturas
Resuenen los cielos con vuestra canción.
Al Dios bondadoso gloria en las alturas.
Venid y adoremos.
Venid y adoremos

Venid y adoremos a Cristo el Señor

Venid y adoremos a Cristo el Señor.

Venid y adoremos
Venid y adoremos
Venid y adoremos a Cristo el Señor.

Venid y adoremos a Cristo el Señor.
Venid y adoremos a Cristo el Señor.
Venid y adoremos a Cristo el Señor.
Venid y adoremos a Cristo el Señor.

Read more:
Practica para la cancion:
1o - Vamos Adorar Al Nino, Usar video 
        Mirar el video y leer la letra de la cancion.
        Leer cada linea de las primeras 4, y los ninos repiten 4 veces linea por linea.
        Cantar haci.
        mirar el video.
Avanzando haci, con el resto de la letra.
        Las proximo 4 lineas, leer cada linea,  y los ninos repiten 4 veces linea por linea.
Repetirlo todo junto
Copiar a dibujos de cartas de Navidad por 5 minutos.

 Empezar con la proxima cancion Venid Fieles.
Usar el mismo metodo.

Tercera cancion: Mary's Boy Child

MARY’S BOY CHILD by Bony M.        and              Group Dance Steps

Mary's boy child                                                                        nativity in center, kids in lines
Jesus Christ was born on Christmas Day                                  on l. and rt. Of manger
and man will live for evermore because of Christmas Day      circling arms, Motown-ish, end
                                                                                           Pointing to manger.Begin step touch
long time ago in Bethlehem so the Holy Bible said            step touch, snap fingers
Mary's Boy Child
Jesus Christ was born on Christmas Day.
Hark now hear the angels sing                                               pre-schlrs ring bells
a King was born today                                                           step touch, wave praise arms, rt. To L
and man will live for evermore because of Christmas Day
Mary's Boy Child
Jesus Christ was born on Christmas Day.

While shepherds watched their flocks                                 pointing to star,
by night they see a bright new shining star                            
they hear a choir sing a song                                                 listening movements
the music seemed to come from afar.                                   

Hark now hear the angels sing                                               pre-schlrs ring bells. shoulders rt, l,
a King was born today                                                         
and man will live for evermore because of Christmas Day   signs for love, blow kisses to Jesus.
hm hm                                                                                        
...                                                                                           Children bring gifts to Jesus
                                                                                              Bow…blow kisses

For a moment the world was aglow                                     hip hop, squash a bug
all the bells rang out                                                             
there were tears of joy and laughter                                    
people shouted let ev'ryone know                                       
there is hope for all to find peace.

How Joseph and his wife Mary came to Bethlehem that night           step touch
they found no place to bear her child not a single room was in sight          baby in arms sign
and then they found a little nook in a stable all forlorn
and in a manger cold and dark Mary's little boy was born
Hark now hear the angels sing                                             up and sides, cross, and out
a King was born today                                                         
and man will live for evermore because of Christmas Day
Mary's Boy Child
Jesus Christ was born on Christmas Day.

For a moment the world was aglow                                    pre-schoolers do motor car…
...                                                                                         Elem. Kids kneel and worship…

Oh my Lord                                                               Conga Line !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  Pre-schoolers stay on stage.   No pre-schoolers                                              Eat candy...
oh my Lord                                                               alone in the conga line.
your very self you gave us
oh my Lord
that sin may not enslave us
and love may reign once more.

Oh my Lord
when in the crib they found him
oh my lord
a golden halo crowned him
oh my Lord
they gathered all around him
to see him and adore.

Oh my Lord
with the child's adoration
oh my Lord
there came great jubilation
oh my Lord
and full of admiration
they realized what they had (until the sun falls from the sky)

Oh my Lord (well praise the Lord)
they had just begun to doubt you
oh my Lord (he is the truth forever)
what did they know about you.

Oh my Lord (so praise the Lord)
but they were lost without you
they needed you so bad (his light is shining on us)

Oh my Lord (oh my Lord so praise the Lord)
with the child's adoration
Lord (oh my Lord
he is the Presentation).
There came great jubilation
oh my Lord (so praise the Lord)
and full of admiration
they realized what they had (until the sun falls from the sky)
we just can't go wrong.

Invitation Email/FB Message:
Dear Friends, we are so excited about the children's Christmas Worship tomorrow.  Also, I thought I'd have to travel to be w/ my Mami, and possible take her to Duke, but she is responding to medication, Gracias, Jesus!  We look forward to seeing her shortly, and this improvement really touches our hearts.  Our gratitude for the Lord's Love, Salvation, and Healing Power is much stoked!
The Worship Time will consist of:
Aida will share a poem based on a Painting called Christmas Jubilee, about the Rejoicing in Heaven and Earth upon Jesus' birth.

Then the children will sing in Spanish and English: The first song is Adorar Al Nino.

Then Venid, Fieles Todos, sung by Katy, Margie, y Maritza, a song of reverent adoration.

Last, we'll break out with Bony M's Mary's Boy Child.  Joy, Joy, Joy!
This is the Most Anointed Christmas Video I've ever seen!  I've been shouting!!! shoutin'!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Gloria, Jesus!!!
Please pray for freedom and release and salvations as the children and adults dance and lead the congregation in a Worship Conga through the aisles, and around the church, in an orderly, joyous form!  
Love you all,
Ana Maria Blevins

latin instruments